Thursday 29 December 2011

Web Content Writing Service

                            Web Content Writing Service, well known SEO tool for web. And, now a day, people are more action-orientated over the internet. They get on the web to do something different. For which you have the content having the driving actions to attract online visitors.
                                Web Content Writing Service plays a large role in the user’s ability to find and understand information. Many terms are familiar to designers and content writers, but not to users. In one study, some users did not understand the term ’cancer screening. To improve understanding among users who are accustomed to using the jargon term, it may be helpful to put that term in parentheses. A dictionary or glossary may be helpful to users who are new to a topic, but should not be considered a license to frequently use terms typical users do not understand.
                                  To enhance the readability of prose text, a sentence should not contain more than twenty words. A paragraph should not contain more than six sentences.
                                    Users benefit from simple, direct language. Sentences in active voice are typically more concise than sentences in passive voice. Strong verbs help the user know who is acting and what is being acted upon. In one study, people who had to interpret federal regulation language spontaneously translated passive sentences into active sentences in order to form an understanding of the passages.

Reading on the Web is different from
  • Reading from computer screens is 25% slower than from paper
  • People almost always scan your pages
  • Users won't read your text thoroughly in a word-by-word manner
             When there are many words on navigation pages, users tend to rapidly scan for specific words or begin clicking on many different links, rather than reading the text associated with the links.

Write to be found in a search through Web Content  Writing Services:
When Web Content writing, we use words that your target audiences use while searching. There are a number of ways to identify words your users search by:
  1. Ask them in conversations, focus groups, surveys
  2. Check your web analytics6 DM Best Practices: Writing for the Web
  3. If you have an internal search engine, check the search logs
  So why wasting time from surfing over the net just choose eNet Spider Web Content Writing Service.